David Mills


Selected Publications


  • Ownership Arrangements and Congestion-Prone Facilities, American Economic Review 71 (1981) 493-502. 
  • "Industry Structure with Fluctuating Demand," (with Laurence Schumann), American Economic Review 75 (1985) 758-767.
  • "Capacity Expansion and the Size of Plants," RAND Journal of Economics 21 (1990) 555-566.
  • "Why Retailers Sell Private Labels," Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 4 (1995) 509-528.
  • "Price Wars Triggered by Entry," (with Kenneth G. Elzinga), International Journal of Industrial Organization 17 (1999) 179-198.
  •  “The Lerner Index of Monopoly Power: Origins and Uses,” (with Kenneth G. Elzinga), American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings 101 (2011) 558-564.
  • “Countervailing Power and Chain Stores,” Review of Industrial Organization, 42 (2013) 281-295.
  • “Antitrust Predation and The Antitrust Paradox,” (with Kenneth G. Elzinga) Journal of Law and Economics 57 (2014)
  • “Inducing Cooperation with a Carrot Instead of a Stick,” Review of Industrial Organization, 50 (2017) 245-261